Local Directory (A-Z)

All Saints’ Church, Swallowfield and Nutbean Cemetery
Category: Services
- Visit website
- Email office@loddonreach.org.uk
- Call 0118 988 5923

Coffee Corner
Category: Clubs/Societies
- Fresh Coffee and Homemade Cakes
- Every Wednesday 10:30-12:30, Davies Room, Swallowfield Parish Hall
- Tel: 0118 988 4920

Farley Hill Cricket Club
Category: Clubs/Societies
- Visit website
- Email farleyhillcc@gmail.com
- Call 07594 110592

Farley Hill School
Category: Services
- Visit website
- Email admin@farleyhill.wokingham.sch.uk
- Call 0118 973 2148

The Parish of Swallowfield is home to around 2,200 residents and is a welcoming and friendly place to live and work.