Councillor Vacancy
News: 21.08.24
- Notice is hereby given that a vacancy on Swallowfield Parish Council has arisen caused by the resignation of Cllr. Paul Schulz.
- A bye-election to fill the vacancy will be held if, within 14 days (not counting Saturdays and Sundays) from the date below, ten electors for this parish give notice in writing claiming such an election to the Returning Officer.
- The address of the Returning Officer is: Wokingham Borough Council, Shute End, Wokingham, Berks RG40 1WN.
- If no such notice is given, the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option. If you are interested in serving on the Council (and subject to an election not being called) please contact the Clerk at the Parish Office, Swallowfield on 0118988 5929 or clerk@swallowfieldpc.gov.uk by 21st September 2024.
Dated: 21st August 2024
Parish Clerk, Swallowfield Parish Council