Community Litter Pick 2024
Event: 23.03.24
Residents of all ages in Swallowfield, Riseley and Farley Hill, please join us for some litter picking, fresh air and exercise on Saturday 23 March 2024.
It is always a very enjoyable and rewarding day. Last year, more than 70 residents helped to fill over 200 sacks of litter, alongside the larger items also retrieved - a fantastic collective effort!
We will be meeting in the Davies Room at Swallowfield Parish Hall between 10.00am and 4.00pm.
The following will be provided:
- Refreshments
- Littter pickers (to be returned)
- Hi-vis vests (to be returned)
- Bags
Please contact local resident Peter Sampson on 0118 9885 929 or email Parish Clerk Liz Halson at clerk@swallowfieldpc.gov.uk to register or find out more.